The National Hispanic Medical Association: Educational Paths to Success
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center Grand Rounds The National Hispanic Medical Association: Educational Paths to Success Presented by: Elena V. Rios, MD, MSPH, MACP President & CEO, National Hispanic Medical Association President, National Hispanic Health Foundation Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022 Noon-1pm In-Person: BLSB Room 101 Thomas Jefferson University 233 South 10th St. Philadelphia, PA 19107 Virtual: https://Jefferson.zoom.us/j/95485644361?pwd=Y0dtY0RteTFheWExeHBkWklyT1ZKUT09 SKCC Grand Rounds Overall Program Goals and Objectives: • Describe state-of-the-art therapeutic approaches to brain tumors, breast cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, genitourinary cancer, gynecologic cancer, head and neck cancer, hematologic cancer, pancreatic cancer, thoracic cancer, and other cancers • Describe new therapeutic agents and targets • Review disparities in cancer care • Assess clinical situations in light of new and emerging therapeutic practices to improve patient care and utilize patient outcomes data to evaluate current practices, translate research and other sources of new information into patient care practices • Improve communications between members of the multidisciplinary team involved in the care of patients with cancer The Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Sidney Kimmel Medical College designates this live activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Supporting the Development of Hispanic Health Professionals
Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center & Sidney Kimmel Medical College Present: Supporting the Development of Hispanic Health Professionals Presented by: Elena V. Rios, MD, MSPH, MACP President & CEO, National Hispanic Medical Association President, National Hispanic Health Foundation Wednesday, November 2, 2022 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. In-Person : Dorrance H. Hamilton Building Thomas Jefferson University 1001 Locust St, Philadelphia, PA 19107 Virtual : https://Jefferson.zoom.us/j/95485644361?pwd=Y0dtY0RteTFheWExeHBkWklyT1ZKUT09 Please let us know if you are coming. Click here to RSVP The Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Sidney Kimmel Medical College designates this live activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Silamp celebrated the XXIV Dr Carlos Finlay Conference: “Mental health of our Latinx community”
We want to thank you for your support and collaboration addressing issues of burnout, compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma in our healthcare workforce. Promoting resilience in our work environment and ourselves. Exploring and finding solutions to the peri pandemic mental health issues that emerged. Exploring how can we get stronger, improve our self care, effectiveness and create that balance to advocate for the healthcare workforce and our patients.

SILAMP Presents a Virtual Town Hall with the CDC on COVID-19
The Latino Behavioral Health Coalition in conjunction with the Coalition of Culturally Competent Providers, The Society of Ibero Latin American Medical Professionals and the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services presents a Virtual Town Hall : Identifying Resources During COVID-19. We have assembled Medical, Mental Health Care, Educational, Fair Housing, Family and Youth Services, Domestic Violence, Public Safety, Senior Services and Social Professionals to provide information during this critical time. #Covid19 #covidresources #CDC #Philly #Latinx #essentialworkers #Pandemic

El #uso de las # máscaras faciales
La Dra Alexia Treviño conversó con la Dra Nilsa Graciani para #ImpactoNewspaper acerca de las diferentes máscaras y su usi apropiado. Gracias por la colaboración.

Actualización del contagio con el #covid19
El CDC actualizó información acerca del contagio del covid19 . Ahora que los pueblos están abriendo es importante saber que precauciones tomar.

Silamp listed as healthcare resource for NHMA
https://www.hispanichealth.info #NHMA #Silamphealth #hispanichealth

Silamp congratulates its President Dr Natalia Ortiz, LMSA Northeast Physician of the Month!
https://twitter.com/SilampHealth/status/1267518221328035840/photo/1 Physician of the Month Dr. Natalia Ortiz, MD, DFAPA, FACLP is Professor of clinical Psychiatry for Lewis Katz Temple School of Medicine. She was born and raised in Cayey, Puerto Rico to a loving family of business owners. After pursuing a career as a board certified Chemist, her passion for the healthcare of the community drove her to a career in Medicine with specialty Psychiatry. She has worked as double board certified Psychiatrist specialized in Consultation and Liaison for the past 15 years. She is the author of several academic books and recipient of prestigious awards such as the American Psychiatry Association’s Nancy Roaske Award for excellence in medical student education. She was elected the AlDIA News Top doctor in January 2020. Her volunteering community work is highlighted as President of the Society of Ibero-Latin American Medical Professionals (SILAMP). The organization focuses on promoting careers in healthcare through mentorship, scholarships and professional development. More recently, SILAMP’s mission is focusing on health disparities seen during the Covid19 Pandemia. It is addressing the dearth of culturally and linguistically appropriate education available to the Latino Hispanic community. On another note, Dr Ortiz believes in serving as bridge to opportunities. As part of this personal mission, she will be the first Latina physician to become President of the Philadelphia Medical Society in July, 2020. Check out our instagram for a video message from Dr. Ortiz Who has inspired your medical journey?
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